I just can't buy a present. Not when I have a roomful of supplies with which to create. Jeremy got a potholder, Arwen got an eye mask, and Tina got a string of bunting. Sounds boring you say?
Jeremy cooks. Hence the potholder. And just what do you make for guys? He is a bass player. Electric, not acoustic, but I don't hold it against him. And he loves the Beatles. Who doesn't? And I just happen to have a small print of Beatles fabric. Ta da! But no, I couldn't do a rectangle. I had to shape it like one of Paul McCartney's Hofner left-handed bass. It has a loop for hanging, strings, but no neck. LOL
Arwen suffers from migraines, less than before, thank the gods. Have an old royal blue silk dress from a thrift store and some wonderful peacock fabric that matches. She likes. Yea! I think I'll make the other for me. ;)
Tina saw one of my bunting strings (?) that I gave to her neices and immediately claimed that she wanted one. So instead of giving her one that was already put together, I searched through my stash for all my blues to match her bedroom. She was ecstatic! And after the dinner party at her mom's house, she and one of her friends went to her room to do nails & hang the bunting. They were happy.
And then there is the baby, our first grandchild, granddaughter. She loves books. Any book her parents read to her. Even scientific articles on robotics! They live in a small apartment, and what kid needs tons of toys and stuffed animals anyway. So how about some 2-D Book Buddies! I'm hoping you recognize these guys, but if not: Llama Llama, Hungry Caterpillar, One Fish, Two Fish. (Need to do some finishing touches on the bag. It is too tall for someone so short.)
I've always wanted a girl to make dresses for. But I learned that as she crawls, they get in the way. So I made her two shirt length to wear over pants. And then found one of my own to share. Can't believe my mother saved it.
This pink & grey paper bag dress became one of two matching cupcake dresses for Athena and her 3-year old cousin. Missed opportunity to get photo of both in matching dresses. :( Thank you www.cailamade.com for the pattern.